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主讲教师 汪庆童/安徽医科大学
学习人数 62
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临床药理学(clinical pharmacology)是基础医学与临床医学、药学与医学联系的桥梁学科是研究药物人体相互作用及其规律的一门重要学科。它以药学与临床医学为基础,阐述药物代谢动力学(简称药动学)、药物效应动力学(简称药效学)、药物不良反应及药物相互作用的规律等。其主要任务为通过临床药理学研究对药物的有效性与安全性作出科学评价,指导临床合理用药;且为新药开发、药品管理、提高医疗质量和医药研究水平起着重要指导作用。


Clinical pharmacology is the science of drugs and their clinical use. It is underpinned by the basic science of pharmacology, with added focus on the application of pharmacological principles and methods in the real world. It has a broad scope, from the discovery of new target molecules, to the effects of drug usage in whole populations.

Clinical pharmacology connects the gap between medical practice and laboratory science. The main objective is to promote the safety of prescription, maximise the drug effects and minimise the side effects. It is important that there be association with pharmacistsskilled in areas of drug information, medication safety and other aspects of pharmacy practice related to clinical pharmacology.

Clinical pharmacologists usually have a rigorous medical and scientific training which enables them to evaluate evidence and produce new data through well designed studies. Clinical pharmacologists must have access to enough outpatients for clinical care, teaching and education, and research as well be supervised by medical specialists. Their responsibilities to patients include, but are not limited to analyzing adverse drug effects, therapeutics, and toxicology including reproductive toxicology, cardiovascular risks, perioperative drug management and psychopharmacology.

In addition, the application of genetic, biochemical, or virotherapeutical techniques has led to a clear appreciation of the mechanisms involved in drug action.

Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of Anhui Medical University was founded in 1984.

Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Anhui Medical University is now standing director unit of Chinese Pharmacological Society (CPS); chairman unit of clinical pharmacological committee, CPS; vice-chairman unit of anti-inflammatory and immunological pharmacology committee, CPS. And is Editor-in-Chief unit of Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, Board members unit of Acta Pharmacol Sin, Editor-in-Chief unit of textbook “Clinical Pharmacology” (national programming teaching material for undergraduates), Board members unit of textbook “ Basic and Clinical Pharmacology” (National programming teaching materials for postgraduates). 
The institute assumes main responsibility of the teaching works of clinical pharmacology for undergraduates of clinical medicine speciality, and the teaching tasks of basic and clinical pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, methodology of pharmacological experiment for masters’ candidate and doctoral candidate of the whole university. Since 2002, One Post Doctor has been trained, 39 students have been granted Ph.D. degrees and 40 students have been granted master's degrees. 

Recently, The Institute has conducted many important key projects successively, such as Natural Science Foundation of China, National 863 Items, National Science and Technology Creative Item, Science and Technology Important Particularly Item of Anhui Province, Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province, Clinic Research for New drugs etc. It has long undertook fundamental research and application research in anti-inflammatory and immunological pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. Research projects include the pathological mechanisms of the rheumatoid arthritis, hepatic injury and tumor, as well as pharmacological actions and mechanisms of the drugs, which have been fruitfully carried out. Especially, the institute has obtained remarkable achievement in study of cellular signal transduction mechanisms and drug targets in the arthritis synovial cell, liver astrocyte and hepatoma carcinoma cell. It has played an important role in the development of many clinical pharmacokinetics and randomized, double-blind, controlled, multi-center clinical trial, which make important contribution to the new drugs research and diseases treatment in China. 

More than 300 research papers have appeared in national and international scientific journals, such as J Pineal Res, J Hepatol, Eur J Pharmacol, Arthritis Care Res, Inflamm Res, Life Sci, Int Immunopharmacol, Acta Pharmacol Sin, Hepatol Res, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, Toxicology, Toxicol SciFree Radic Biol Med, Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, Progress in Physiological Sciences. And more than 10 academic works and teaching materials have been compiled. The institute emphasises on the research and development of total glucosides of peony (indication for rheumatoid arthritis), which is the first anti-inflammatory and immunological regulation drug . Many natural products such as astragalosides, glucosides of cheanomeles speciosa and Shaoqiduogan also have been well studied.

临床药理学(clinical pharmacology)是基础医学与临床医学、药学与医学联系的桥梁学科是研究药物人体相互作用及其规律的一门重要学科。它以药学与临床医学为基础,阐述药物代谢动力学(简称药动学)、药物效应动力学(简称药效学)、药物不良反应及药物相互作用的规律等。其主要任务为通过临床药理学研究对药物的有效性与安全性作出科学评价,指导临床合理用药;且为新药开发、药品管理、提高医疗质量和医药研究水平起着重要指导作用。




多年来,本单位高度重视临床药理学教材和相关著作建设,徐叔云教授主编了我国第一部临床药理学著作《临床药理20讲》(1975年,安徽科技出版社)、主编大型参考书《临床药理学》(上、下册)(1983年,1986年,上海科技出版社),为我国的临床药理学知识的普及、提高、科学研究和新药临床评价以及指导临床合理用药起到了重要作用;主编的《药理实验方法学》获全国优秀科技图书一等奖,(1982年第一版,1991年第二版,2003年第三版,2010年第四版,人民卫生出版社)本教研室相继主编了全国规划教材《临床药理学》(1989年第一版,1999年第二版,2004年第三版,2008年第四版,人民卫生出版社,获国家优秀图书二等奖);1996年主编了《现代实用临床药理学》(华夏出版社); 2003年主编了国家九五重点科技图书《中华临床药物学》(人民卫生出版社),主编《临床药理学新论》(人民卫生出版社);2004年《临床药理学》获得安徽省省级精品课程;2008主译《临床药理学原理》(第二版)(科学出版社出版)。2008年《临床药理学》获国家级精品课程,为留学生教育打下了坚实的基础。本单位现为中国药理学会临床药理专业委员会主任委员单位在临床药理学教学科研领域具有显著优势。



  • Chapter-1 Introduction
    • Part-1 Introduction 1
    • Part-2 Introduction 2
    • Part-3 Introduction 3
  • Chapter-2 New Drugs Development
    • Part-1 New Drugs Development 1
    • Part-2 New Drugs Development 2
    • Part-3 New Drugs Development 3
  • Chapter-3 Clinical pharmacokinetics
    • Part-1 Clinical pharmacokinetics 1
    • Part-2 Clinical pharmacokinetics 2
    • Part-3 Clinical pharmacokinetics 3
  • Chapter-4 Clinical drug effect assessment
    • Part-1 Clinical drug effect assessment 1
    • Part-2 Clinical drug effect assessment 2
    • Part-3 Clinical drug effect assessment 3
  • Chapter-5 Principles of drug use of special populations
    • Part-1 Principles of drug use of special populations 1
    • Part-2 Principles of drug use of special populations 2
    • Part-3 Principles of drug use of special populations 3
  • Chapter-6 Clinical pharmacogenetics, drug interaction, drug toxicity
    • Part-1 Clinical pharmacogenetics, drug interaction, drug toxicity 1
    • Part-2 Clinical pharmacogenetics, drug interaction, drug toxicity 3
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
    Arthur J....
    Third EDition

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